L’OCCITANE brings the sun to its bottles!
As part of its launch of in-store refill Fountains, L’OCCITANE has chosen Claranor’s pulsed light to offer its customers protection and preserved quality.
Refill stations are springing up all over the world, in all sectors, and particularly in the cosmetics sector. L’Occitane, a group that has been committed to the circular economy and sustainable development since its inception, is rolling out a new concept of in-store bottle refill service this month: “L’OCCITANE FOUNTAINS”.
As a pioneer and world leader in natural cosmetics, L’OCCITANE wants to reduce packaging waste and offer its customers every guarantee in the refilling process.
To ensure a high level of quality and safety, L’OCCITANE has developed a dedicated cabinet in the shop that includes a disinfection station for the bottle before refilling. Indeed, when the consumer brings back his bottle for the sales advisor to refill it, the bottle is clean, but not disinfected.

L’Occitane has looked for an ecological, simple and efficient solution to ensure a high level of bottle disinfection

Sterilisation with chemical disinfectants was not an option for the brand from an environmental point of view.
In addition, UVC lamps are not effective in decontaminating resistant germs such as moulds.
The Claranor Ste’Refill® pulsed light solution met all of L’Occitane’s requirements: efficient, fast and sustainable.
Indeed, Ste’Refill® is the guarantee of reinforced microbiological safety.
The solution is very efficient on all micro-organisms and in particular on moulds.
In just 1 flash of white light and less than 30 seconds, more than 99% of the most resistant bacteria and moulds are killed.
The superior efficiency compared to UVC lamps is based on a double effect: The flash is extremely powerful (1 Megawatt), one million times more powerful than a UVC lamp, and kills micro-organisms immediately. The wide light spectrum allows the destruction of a wide range of micro-organisms (the UVC lamp has a very limited spectrum)

The Claranor Ste’Refill solution is patented. It is a clean solution: no water or chemicals
More information on L’Occitane

Pulsed light uses xenon, a noble gas, instead of mercury in UVC lamps.
A state-of-the-art microbiological decontamination technology already used in the food industry to sterilise packaging without the drawbacks of conventional processes with chemical sterilants.
With L’Occitane and Ste’Refill®,
refill and feel better!