Claranor committed to CSR since its creation
Claranor develops ecological packaging decontamination alternatives
For 20 years, Claranor has been developing a technology that considerably improves the social and environmental externalities of its customers’ packaging decontamination process:
Claranor Pulsed light decontamination solution significantly reduces water and energy consumption and eliminates the use of chemicals, while providing a high level of efficiency. For the sake of consistency, Claranor wishes to apply to its activity and organization the CSR commitment it suggests to its customers when marketing its equipment.
Claranor’s labeled as an efficient solution for the climate by the Solar Impulse Foundation
Claranor was one of the first candidates for the Solar Impulse Label in 2018 and was one of the first French companies to be labeled as one of the #1000 Efficient Solutions to change the world
- Its compactness allows it to be easily integrated into existing or new lines, including at high speeds.
- High levels of decontamination are achieved, up to 5 log reduction on mold and bacteria.
- It requires no water consumption or chemicals
- She is energy-efficient
- And what’s more, with these low operating and maintenance costs, it is economical.
- Request our comparative cost and feasibility studies
This demanding label aims to identify and promote solutions reconciling efficiency, respect for the environment, and economic growth. Learn more

Claranor Pulsed Light benefits
- Reduces health risks for operators when handling chemicals. Stabilizes food preservation. In comparison, our solutions enable the substitution of 4,000 m3 of peracetic acid/year, equivalent to the water consumption of 26 average French households.
- Significant reduction in water consumption compared with a chemical process.
Savings of 60,000 m3 of water per year, equivalent to 24 Olympic-size swimming pools. - Pulsed light reduces energy consumption compared with a UV solution. Energy consumption is reduced by 4GWh/year, equivalent to lighting the Eiffel Tower for 7 months.
- Significant reduction in energy-related CO2 emissions.
Finally, our machines reduce CO2 emissions by 2000t/year, equivalent to driving around the world 336 times.